I'm Shay (she/her). I am a qualified Medical Herbalist, and a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists. I was trained at Betonica School of Herbal Medicine for three years, where I received a diploma in Herbal Medicine with Distinction. I practice in both East Sussex and East Hampshire in the UK . I am also a yoga teacher with 500 hours of training and 8 years experience, and teach public classes in Brighton.
Why I do what I do...
While originally from Canada, I have had the opportunity of developing a special relationship to the land here in the UK. It felt like home from the first step. There is a deep sense of belonging in the natural world that I feel is especially important for us all to access. It is from this relationship that my herbal practice has developed.
I consider it a privilege to bring the people and plants together. In my clinical practice, this is done in a 1:1 setting, where I listen to the story of your health. Anything that is concerning you now, have been concerns in the past, and lifestyle patterns are all significant. It is after listening to this story that I begin to pair you with the herbs that will be most supportive. What I love about working in this way is that this is a collaborative effort between you, me, and the plants. My goal is for you to feel empowered as an active participant in your own health.
I also love going outdoors with groups, and showing them how much medicine really grows everywhere! Watching people's surprise and joy at the wonders of the green world never gets old. You will always find me sharing about what's growing in the hedgerows, and there are always events that you can book on to if you're keen to learn.
The story of how I came to the herbs is on my blog. Read it here.